Identity Theft

When you’re not firm in your identity with Christ it can be so easy for the enemy to slip in. See, where we mess up is that we begin finding our worth and identity in the world. Some may find it in that next compliment from a guy, others find it in the next shot they take. These things, while making you feel good in the moment don’t last.

Like a thief in the night, the devil can slowly take away your identity. Not all at once, but slowly. When you let your guard down, one thing here, maybe compromise your morals a little bit there, nothing too crazy. You’ll say no next time. The more and more you let the little things become ok the harder it’ll be to say no the big things. Things you’d think ‘never in a million years would I do that’. Things like drugs, sex, partying, lying. Who knows your sin, the devil attacks in all different ways. One day you’ll look in the mirror and won’t even recognize the person staring back at you. Even the voices in your head will seem unrecognizable. Instead of the sweet, tender whisper of God all you can hear now is the screaming of your insecurities. It’s like falling into a seemingly bottomless pit; your actions keep building and building until the next thing you know you’ve reached rock bottom, wounded and broken.

When you’re not firm in your identity with Christ it can be so easy for the enemy to slip in. See, where we mess up is that we begin finding our worth and identity in the world. Some may find it in that next compliment from a guy, others find it in the next shot they take. These things, while making you feel good in the moment don’t last. That guy? Nine times out of ten he’ll leave. Alcohol? The buzz won’t last and tomorrow you’ll be stuck with a hangover. But you know who will never leave? Our sweet Abba. There is a great fullness that comes with God, and this feeling isn’t temporary. It wont disappear when life gets tough. It’s easy to get caught up in the world and begin to try filling yourself up with tis pleasures, however, doing that is like trying to fill a bottle with holes in it; no matter how much you put in it will eventually run out ending up empty. God is the opposite though, His love will fill you long after your cup is full. With God’s love, your cup will overflow.

Sweet friends, I pray that God reveals to you any place in your life where you aren’t firm in your identity. That He would build you up so that with Him, the enemy won’t stand a chance.


Now, you’re probably wondering. How do I become more firm in my identity? Here’s some ideas.

  • Dig into your bible. When you really dig deep into the Word, it begins to affect all areas of your life. Surround yourself with truth and you’ll begin to see it everywhere. I saw somewhere the other day “A proverb a day keeps satan away”.
  • Forget who the world says you are, and remember who God says you are. In Christ, you are beloved, chosen, redeemed, victorious, and an overcomer just to name a few. Remember that.
  • Pray. Just talk to God, ask Him to begin creating in you a firmer identity. Ask Him to help you. He’s there, waiting on you, you just have to call out to Him.

Do these things daily and I promise things will drastically change.

15 thoughts on “Identity Theft

  1. Very, very true words. While I never delved too deeply, I’ve seen how sin changed me personally. It’s odd to turn back to God then remember what kind of person I was. How I acted, what I read, what I watched, things I said, the things I wanted to do. The differences are astounding.

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  2. Love the title! It is so true that this is what the enemy does; steal our identity. I have been contemplating this a lot lately, that it truly doesn’t matter what others think of me because God has already declared me righteous and worthy. Our true identity is found only in Christ!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve written and spoken on this topic many times…what you’ve shared is so very true.
    I believe this in one of the many things that holds so many back from Thriving in this life God has for them.
    Keep sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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